We are Matt and Jody Hipsher. We have two growing boys, Kyle and Doug. We farm along with Matt's mother, Christine Fiege, who raises registered Morgan horses, under the name Siskowit Morgans. We moved to our farm in 2001. However, it isn't new to us, this farm has been in Matt's family since the 1940's. It is also the place that he grew up on. Matt's Great-Grampa started farming here with Longhorn and Hereford cattle. We feel very honored to carry on the farming tradition on this special place.
We are very happy to be raising our family in such a great environment. The boys spend their summer days outside in the fresh air, and the green grass. They love to be able to eat fresh veggies right out of the garden. We try to include the in most of our chores and projects. We want to instill in them a love of farming. There isn't anything more rewarding than having the boys find new lambs in the barn, or a new calf out in the pasture. We are always finding blessings right out our front door.